Most traders will be arriving tomorrow morning from 7:00am, and all of the games will as well. Anyway - early night, as it will take me about 2 hours to collect the people I'm giving lifts to and get up there in the morning, and on early shift, I have to be in the hall for 6:45.
Happy days. I have to say, I really enjoy it. I was chatting to a trader (I won't embarrass him by naming him) and he said that they really enjoy Salute because of the buzz you get - seven hours of trading goes by in a flash. I was thinking - if we have 4,000 visitors, and they spend £100+ a head (not unreasonable; I know many who spend a lot more than that), that is getting close to a half million pounds of wargaming trading in seven hours. And I do think that £100 is a conservative estimate, what with the number of pre-orders and collections I see.